Wednesday, October 31, 2018

(12)"Useful idiots"

State of Mankind
How much do you know?

Excerpts from How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World

The devil handles people according to their different characteristics and motivations. It may have them murdered or bribed, or indoctrinate them to serve as the pawns of revolution and rebellion.

Some people are wiser and more perceptive than others. Some are closer to the divine, possess good enlightenment quality, and are not susceptible to the devil’s ploys. Especially in countries like China, which has a long and rich history, it is difficult to get people to go along with the deception.

The Chinese Communist Party had to launch a series of political campaigns that slaughtered tens of millions of people and broke down the cultural order by killing the elites who served as the custodians of traditional Chinese culture.

Be it in China or the West, the devil does not hesitate to physically liquidate the discerning members of society who see through its conspiracy and are brave enough to stand out by resisting. To do this, the devil arranges political campaigns, religious persecution, show trials, and assassinations.

The devil enlists elites across all nations and industries. To do this, it plays to their interests and endows them with power according to how closely they follow its agenda. For those who seek fame and influence, the devil gives them reputation and authority. For the greedy, it arranges profits. It inflates the egos of the arrogant and maintains the bliss of the ignorant. The gifted are seduced with science, materialism, and unrestricted freedom of expression.

Individuals with lofty ambitions and good intentions have their ideals turned into self-glorification, making them feel the warm glow of being presidents, prime ministers, think tank scholars, policymakers, administrators, big-shot bankers, professors, experts, Nobel laureates, and the like, with outstanding social status, political influence, and vast fortunes. Once established, these great personalities are co-opted, each according to his or her circumstances. In the devil’s calculus, all of them are ignorant agents and useful idiots.

The devil manipulates public knowledge by employing fake narratives, deluding people with its warped educational system, and controlling the mass media. It deftly uses people’s sense of security and shallow entertainment to make the public care only about their immediate interests, vulgar entertainment, competitive sports, social gossip, and indulgence in erotic and carnal desire. At the same time, the devil caters to the lowest common denominators to deprive voters of their vigilance and judgment, and to capture the electorate.

In totalitarian communist countries, the people are never allowed to have anything to do with politics. In democratic countries, those concerned with the public good have their attention diverted to trivial issues (such as transsexual rights), echoing the famous stratagem of “advancing via a hidden route while repairing the plankways in the open” from ancient Chinese military history. Viral news, social sensations, and even terrorist attacks and wars are arranged as cover for the devil’s true intentions.

The public is inculcated with a modern consciousness and mobilized to swallow up the minority of people who stubbornly hold to tradition. Intellectuals levy heavy criticism of folk cultures around the world, fostering narrow-minded prejudice among their uneducated audiences. The concepts of critical and creative thinking are abused to pit the younger generation against authority, preventing them from absorbing the knowledge and wisdom in traditional culture.

In communist countries, after slaughtering the bearers of traditional culture, the devil indoctrinated the bulk of the population to participate in revolution. After the Communist Party took power in China, it took a generation to nurture a generation of “wolf cubs.” They were encouraged to fight, smash, rob, and burn indiscriminately.

During the Cultural Revolution, teenage girls readily beat their teachers to death. The 50 Cent Army internet trolls, who actively work on different social media in China, constantly write about beating and killing, with typical posts reading, “Recover the Diaoyu Islands even if China is rendered barren” and “We would rather China be peppered with graves than fail to exterminate the last Japanese.” Their murderous sentiment is actively cultivated by the Chinese Communist Party.

In the West, the Communist Party proudly harkens to the experience of the French Revolution and the Paris Commune. Every revolution and insurrection is introduced by a group of mobs who have no scruples, no shame, and no compassion.

The devil has arranged to have the older generation marginalized and removed from society at an accelerated pace. As young people are endowed with ever more rights, political power, and privileges, the elderly lose their positions of authority and prestige, speeding up mankind’s break with tradition.

Contemporary literature, arts, and popular culture are all geared to the tastes and values of the young, who are under pressure to pursue the latest trends in fashion lest they be ostracized by their peers. Rapid scientific and technological progress makes the elderly unable to keep up and adapt to massive social changes that occur as a result.

The transformation of urban and rural spheres combined with mass immigration work together to alienate the elderly and estrange them from the present. The torment and helplessness of their solitude are exacerbated by the reality of modern life, where the young are in a constant state of competition and have little time to spare for their parents and elders.

In traditional human society, people help each other. When there are conflicts, they have religion, morality, laws, and folk customs to facilitate resolution and cooperation.

It is impossible for the devil to bring about the collapse of such an organic society in a short period of time. It has to first disintegrate society into small atomized units, breaking down the traditional reliance between individuals and alienating them from each other. This gives the devil a convenient means of taking on humanity piece by piece.

The devil uses every conceivable standard to divide the society into opposing groups and instigate hatred and struggle among them. Class, sex, race, ethnicity, and religious denomination can all serve as a basis for division.

It magnifies the animosity between bourgeois and the proletarians, the rulers and the ruled, progressives and “regressives,” liberals and conservatives—all while the government is steadily expanding its powers. An atomized, isolated individual simply has no hope of resisting a totalitarian government that has access to all of society’s resources.

In the devil’s calculus, all of them are ignorant agents and useful idiots.

(11) In order to topple traditional human society

State of Mankind
How much do you know?

Excerpts from How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World

In order to topple traditional human society, the devil has driven mass immigration, social movements, and societal upheaval on a massive scale. This astounding process has been underway for at least several centuries.

War is one of the devil’s most effective tools, as it can break the old international order, destroy bastions of tradition, and accelerate the development of its ideology. Many wars were waged under demonic influence. The devil took advantage of World War I to topple several European empires, chiefly czarist Russia, which paved the way for the Bolshevik Revolution.

World War II provided the conditions for the Chinese Communist Party to seize power and for the Soviet Union to invade Eastern Europe, thereby establishing the postwar socialist camp.

World War II also created the disorder of decolonization, which the Soviet and Chinese communist regimes exploited to support the worldwide communist movement. “National liberation movements” placed many countries across Asia, Africa, and Latin America in the socialist camp.

Seizing political power is the quickest way for the devil to destroy human beings and is thus its first choice wherever possible. Summarizing the lessons learned from the Paris Commune, Karl Marx wrote that the working class must overthrow the original government apparatus and replace it with its own state. Power is always the core issue of Marxist political theory.

The instigation of revolution can be divided into the following steps:

1. Foment hatred and discord among the people.
2. Deceive the public with lies and establish a “revolutionary united front.”
3. Defeat the forces of resistance one at a time.
4. Use violence to create an atmosphere of terror and chaos.
5. Launch a coup to seize power.
6. Suppress the “reactionaries.”
7. Build and maintain a new order using the terror of revolution.

The communist countries attempted to launch a world revolution via the Communist International, exporting revolutionary activism and creating unrest in non-communist states by supporting local leftists.

Economic crises can be created and utilized as means of encouraging revolution or casting socialist movements as saviors. When politicians in democratic countries find themselves desperate for solutions, they make Faustian bargains, gradually steering their countries toward big government and high-tax socialism. As Saul Alinsky wrote in “Rules for Radicals,” “The real action is in the enemy’s reaction.”

The Great Depression of the 1930s was the key juncture at which Europe and the United States embarked on the path to big government and widespread interventionism. The financial crisis of 2008 continued tipping the scales in favor of expanding leftist policies.

Since antiquity, people have moved from one place to another. However, the massive domestic and international population movements seen in modern times are the result of the evil specter’s willful manipulation. Mass immigration dissolves national identity, borders, sovereignty, cultural traditions, and social cohesion.

As masses of people are removed from their traditional identities, they are more easily absorbed into the drift of modernity. It is difficult for immigrants living in an unfamiliar environment to secure their livelihood, let alone participate deeply in their host countries’ political process or cultural traditions.

Newly arrived immigrants are easily recruited as free votes for leftist parties. Meanwhile, immigration creates ripe conditions for stirring up racial or religious animosities.

The communist evil specter makes use of social trends to inflame and agitate people, escalate conflicts, and mobilize colossal movements to destabilize society, bludgeon its political opponents, dominate discourse, and seize the moral high ground. Examples of this include the anti-war movement, environmentalism, and other movements in Western society.

Communist revolutions succeed through acts of terror, and communist regimes implement policies of state terrorism. The Soviet and Chinese communists supported terrorist groups as a kind of task force against the free world. Most terrorist movements take inspiration from the Leninist organizational model. The devil exploits divisions between people and channels the rage of individuals into collective hatred.

The irrationality that drives terrorists to slaughter innocent people creates an atmosphere of absurd helplessness. Exposed to many incidents of wanton violence, people become more antisocial, depressed, paranoid, and cynical. All this damages public order and fragments society, making it easier for the devil to establish its power.

To topple human society the specter used wars and anti-war movements as well.

(10) The situation in the West is more complex...

State of Mankind
How much do you know?

Excerpts from How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World

Communism derives its organization and ideology from those of gangs and cults. In the East, communism is represented by Party leaders such as Vladimir Lenin, Josef Stalin, Mao Zedong, Jiang Zemin, and their followers. The situation in the West is more complex, as the devil selected powerful elites in government, business, academia, religion, and other fields to carry out its schemes to undermine society.

Once-upright religions have been infused with the secular religion of socialism. The devil’s representatives within the church alter traditional teachings and even alter the holy scriptures. They created “liberation theology” to infuse an upright faith with Marxist ideology and class struggle, and spread moral perversion among the clergy. Because of this, many believers have lost hope in the church and have given up faith in God’s salvation.

Gods created the family, state, and church to be the cornerstones of human civilization. The family is an important bastion of morality and tradition and serves as a conduit for culture to be passed from one generation to the next.

The devil attacks the traditional family and gender roles using feminism, anti-patriarchy, sexual liberation, and the legalization of homosexuality, encouraging cohabitation, adultery, divorce, and abortion. Destroying the family is a key part of the devil’s plan to eradicate humankind.

Seizing the opportunity of a weakened Russia after World War I, the devil incited revolution to force the czar to abdicate, then launched the October Revolution to usurp power. Following that was the creation of the Soviet Union, the world’s first socialist regime. The Communist International was also created to export revolution worldwide.

In 1919 and 1921, communist parties were established in the United States and China, with both taking their orders from Soviet Russia. Backed by the Soviet Union and taking advantage of the ravages of World War II, the Chinese Communist Party took over China with violence and treachery.

Upon seizing power, both the Soviet and Chinese communist parties ruthlessly slaughtered tens of millions of their own people in times of peace. The Chinese Communist Party continued the course of revolution under “the dictatorship of the proletariat” and launched the hitherto unprecedented Cultural Revolution, declaring a war on the achievements of human civilization and launching a savage assault on China’s 5,000-year-old traditional culture.

Since the 1980s, the Party has introduced economic reforms to stave off collapse, but the political sphere has remained under strict totalitarian control. To this day, the Party maintains its tight grip on power through campaigns of suppression, such as the crackdown on the democracy movement and the persecution of Falun Gong.

China’s imperial court, the Western divine right of kings, and the American system of checks and balances are forms of government established by gods for humans according to their unique cultures and environments. Unable to take power through revolution in the West, the devil used ideological subversion to establish and exert control. Apart from violent revolution, Western countries have broadly adopted various characteristics of the communist system.

Law originates from divine commandment and is founded on morality. Redefining the concepts of morality and freedom, the devil has influenced the formulation and interpretation of laws. In communist countries of the East, the devil interprets laws as it pleases.

In the West, it distorts laws through subversion and modifies them to redefine human actions and uproot moral concepts of good and evil. It shields vices such as murder, adultery, and homosexuality, while punishing upstanding citizens.

Abolishing the gold standard and adopting a fluctuating fiat currency has caused perennial economic crises. Traditional wisdom governing sustainable finance has lost relevance, trapping governments and individuals alike in a culture of overconsumption and excessive spending. National sovereignty has been weakened by government debt, and people are encouraged to borrow endless amounts of money from the banks and the state.

The devil has manipulated globalization to help it establish a world government that infringes on individual countries’ sovereign rights. On the one hand, it promoted the utopian prospects of organizations and catchphrases like the League of the Nations, United Nations, “regional integration,” and “world government.”

On the other, it threatens leaders and nations into following its directives. It robs people of their peace and security by fabricating war and social upheaval. The aim is to bring the whole world under one totalitarian hypergovernment and impose tight administrative, ideological, and population control.


(9) When people stray from the will of gods...

State of Mankind
How much do you know?

Excerpts from How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World

Mankind’s orthodox culture was imparted by gods. While maintaining the normal operation of human society, the most important role of divinely inspired culture is to provide a means for humanity to understand the divine Law taught in the final epoch and to be saved from elimination.

Divinely inspired culture cautions people to guard against the devil’s conspiracies, so the devil employs covert means of cutting people off from their traditions and destroying their cultures. To abolish the traditional outlook toward life and moral values, the devil invented many lofty goals, guiding people to spend their lives in struggle and to sacrifice themselves for these warped new ideals.

For thousands of years, traditional education preserved and passed on mankind’s exquisite culture. It assumed the guiding role for people to be compassionate, maintain their moral virtue, master professional skills, and be good people and citizens. Beginning in the 19th century, the nations of Europe and America established systems of free public education.

However, at the start of the 20th century, public schools began indoctrinating students against tradition and morality. The theory of evolution became required learning. Textbooks were slowly filled with atheism, materialism, and class struggle as the devil expanded its control over their contents. Traditional culture, exemplified by the great literary classics, was at odds with the demonic ideological current and was incrementally marginalized.

Intelligent and thoughtful students were lured into following the devil’s ideology, which threw their brilliance into the pursuit of non-issues, leaving them unversed in the essentials of life and society. Prolonged class hours separated children from the care of their parents and the environment of their families, force-feeding them the devil’s ideology from youth.

Under the slogan of “independent thinking,” students were encouraged to break with tradition and despise their parents and teachers, bringing them up to be anti-tradition and anti-authority. Academic standards were gradually lowered, impacting students’ mathematical and literary ability. They were fed “politically correct” narratives on history and social studies and were immersed in vulgar entertainment.

In countries ruled by the devil, students are brainwashed with its demonic ideology in a virtually secluded environment, from kindergarten through higher education. When they graduate and enter society, their minds are full of twisted logic.

Upright traditional arts came from gods, first appearing in temples, churches, and other places of worship. True art presents truthfulness, kindness, beauty, and rectitude, helping maintain an orthodox moral culture.

The devil uses degenerate art to destroy traditional culture. With the excuse of “presenting reality,” it introduced impressionism to visual arts and realism, and naturalism to literature. Under the guise of “innovation” and “criticizing reality,” it introduced expressionism, abstract art, modernism, postmodernism, and so on. The sublime, noble, and pure are ridiculed, while the vulgar and shameless are lauded.

Garbage has occupied the halls of art. Cacophonous beats and obscene noise are now called “music.” Dark, sinister paintings depict things of the netherworld. Moral boundaries are broken under the guise of performance art. Many youths are diehard fans of degenerate celebrities.

The devil deceives people by using all means to control their sources of information, principally the mass media. In countries where it has political power, the media are propaganda machines run by the Communist Party. Elsewhere, it uses freedom of expression to bury serious reporting and discussion in an avalanche of fake news, vulgar content, and trivial sensationalism.

Financial incentives are used to control the media, thus allowing the devil to hijack public opinion. Most people, being occupied with personal business and their own interests, are unable to discern the relevant issues and facts from the deluge of information. The voices of the few who possess the wisdom and courage to identify the devil’s conspiracy are drowned out and marginalized by the noise, allowing them to have no impact on the overall picture.

The devil promotes degenerate lifestyles, sexual freedom, and homosexuality. It encourages gambling and drugs, creating a population of addicts. Youth are glued to electronic devices and video games filled with violence, pornography, and abominations.

Gods arranged the traditional professions in human society, allowing people to retain the memory of gods and maintain their connection to the divine through their work. The devil cannot tolerate this.

The devil sent countless demons to infest and undermine traditional walks of life. In the name of innovation, those seeking fame and gain cooked up all kinds of deviant “creations,” filling the world with eccentric and degenerate trends.

When people stray from the will of gods, they lose interest in the true purpose of being human. Eventually, they will fall to the devil and be destroyed.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

(8) Atheism and materialism spawned many...

State of Mankind
How much do you know?

Excerpts from How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World

The devil’s scheme to destroy humanity has been in the works for centuries. Its arrangements manifest in the labyrinth of social affairs, from mass movements to governing elites, around the world and across history, working ceaselessly to ensnare and eliminate man.

The devil has inverted the criteria for discerning good and evil. It casts righteousness as wicked and vice as compassion. It disguises its sinister concepts with “science” and masks its gangster logic using “social justice.” It uses “political correctness” to impose thought control and spreads “value neutrality” to render people insensitive to brutal atrocities.

Man was created by the divine, and the faithful receive divine protection. Therefore, the first step in mankind’s destruction is to sever the connection between man and gods. The devil dispatched its agents in the human world to spread atheism and steadily distort human thought.

In the 1850s, the German materialist philosopher Ludwig Feuerbach said that God is merely a projection of man’s inner nature. The socialist anthem, “The Internationale,” claims that there has never been any Creator. In fact, human moral standards, culture, social structure, and rational thinking all come from the divine. In the tumultuous currents of history, faith in gods is like a strong anchor line, keeping humanity from being lost to the waves.

Reflecting on the bloodshed of the French Revolution, which overturned the monarchy and clergy, British philosopher Edmund Burke said, “When men play God, presently they behave like devils.” Atheism lures the arrogant into playing God and attempting to control the fates of others and society. The most fanatical communists are wont to self-deification. Spreading atheism is the first step in all of the devil’s schemes to ruin mankind.

Mind and matter exist simultaneously. The core tenet of Marxism is dialectical materialism, which denies the existence of the soul. Materialism took root during the Industrial Revolution, when rapid progress in science, technology, and production fueled a cult of empiricism and atheism. People lost faith in divine miracles and rejected the commandments of God.

Created by the devil, materialism is not a philosophical concept, but a demonic weapon to overthrow man’s spiritual faith. Materialism, the product of atheism, in turn established the basis for a whole host of intellectual pretensions.

Taken by itself, Darwin’s theory of evolution is a flawed hypothesis that has been long discredited. But the devil has turned its crude arguments into an instrument for severing the link between gods and man. It blasphemously equates humanity with animals, at once undermining man’s self-respect and his reverence for God’s creation. The 20th century saw the theory of evolution take over the spheres of research and education, and creationism was banned from the classroom.

From Darwin’s original theory came the pernicious concept of Social Darwinism. “Natural selection” and “survival of the fittest” reduced the international community to a jungle of barbaric struggle between nations.

Armed with empiricism and scientism, the devil has promoted the cult of science to replace human reason with “scientific rationality.” People are led to believe in only what can be seen and felt tangibly, reinforcing the atheist worldview.

The contemporary scientific community dismisses all phenomena it cannot explain or verify by its methods as superstition and pseudoscience, if not ignoring them entirely. Science has become a type of secular religion used to repress faith and morality by dominating education and academic thought.

The dialectical theory articulated by German philosopher Georg Hegel is a general set of principles for logical thought. Thinkers in ancient China had worked out these principles during the era prior to the Qin Dynasty (221 B.C.–206 B.C.).

Marxism absorbed select aspects of Hegel’s work while exaggerating the nature of dialectical conflict. In the words of Chinese republican leader Chiang Kai-shek, the goal of communism is not to resolve problems, but “to expand global contradictions to the greatest extent possible and cause human struggle to continue forever.”

As seen countless times in practice, the evil specter of communism incites hatred among people, creates and escalates conflicts, and eventually seizes power through violent revolution or subterfuge.

Atheism and materialism spawned many philosophical and ideological trends, such as Marxism, Machiavellianism, socialism, nihilism, anarchism, aestheticism, Freudism, modernism, existentialism, postmodernism, and deconstructivism. Their proponents and followers waddled through meaningless and verbose discourse over matters of genuine import.

The intellectual class once comprised the wisest and most knowledgeable elites of society, yet in the past century, intellectuals became a tool of the evil specter to promote its ideologies and misinterpret the world with its deviancy.

Like the language of “Newspeak” created by the superstate of Oceania in George Orwell’s novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, the devil’s agents reshaped language to suit the devil’s interests. In the devil’s dictionary, “freedom” means an extreme state unrestrained by morality, law, or tradition. Phrases such as “all men are children of God,” “all men are equal before the law,” and “equal opportunity” have been distorted into absolute egalitarianism. “The benevolent man loves others” and “love thy neighbor as thyself” have become an unprincipled sham called “tolerance.” Rational thinking has been made a tool of narrow-minded empirical science. In the pursuit of equality of outcome, justice became “social justice.”

Language is the instrument of thought. By seizing control of the definitions and nuances of language, the devil restricts man’s thoughts so that he reaches demonic conclusions.

(7) One righteous thought conquers one hundred evils

State of Mankind
How much do you know?

Excerpts from How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World

Human civilization was transmitted to man by gods. Chinese civilization has seen the prosperity of the Han and Tang dynasties, and Western civilization reached its peak during the Renaissance. If human beings can maintain the civilization that gods gave to them, then when gods return, man will be able to maintain a connection with them and understand the Law that they teach. If humans destroy their culture and tradition, and the morality of society collapses, then when gods return, people will fail to understand their divine teachings because their karma and sins are too great and their thinking has departed so far from the instructions of the divine. This is dangerous for mankind.

This is an era of both despair and hope, existing simultaneously. Those who don’t believe in God pass lives of sensuous pleasure; those who believe in God await His return in confusion and restlessness.

Communism is a scourge of humanity. Its goal is the destruction of mankind, and its arrangements are meticulous and specific. The conspiracy has been so successful that it has almost been carried out to completion, and now the devil is ruling our world.

The ancient wisdom of mankind tells us this: One righteous thought conquers one hundred evils, and when a person’s Buddha-nature emerges, it shakes the world in ten directions. The devil seems powerful, but it is nothing before God. If humans can maintain their sincerity, kindness, compassion, tolerance, and patience, they will be protected by God, and the devil will have no dominion over them.

The mercy of the Creator is limitless, and every life has a chance to escape catastrophe. If humankind can restore tradition, elevate morality, and hear the compassionate call of the Creator and the Heavenly Law that provides salvation, man will be able to break through the devil’s attempt at destruction, embark on the road to salvation, and move toward the future.

(6) The devil’s placement of its agents into every field and nation

State of Mankind
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Excerpts from How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World

The devil’s placement of its agents into every field and nation has led the ignorant and credulous to hasten their journey toward destruction.

Communism teaches people to oppose belief in God and to cast out the divine. It simultaneously launches attacks on religions from the outside while manipulating people to corrupt religion from the inside. Religions have been politicized, commercialized, and turned into entertainment. Numerous morally corrupt clergymen put forward fallacious interpretations of religious texts, misleading their followers and going so far as to commit adultery with their lay members, or even pedophilia.

This chaos has left sincere religious believers bewildered and bereft of hope. Just a century ago, an unwavering belief in God was a sign of moral decency. Now, religious believers are considered foolish and superstitious. They keep their beliefs to themselves, not even discussing their faith among friends, for fear of being mocked.

Another important goal of communism is the destruction of the family, using ideas like gender equality and “sharing wealth and wife.” The 20th century, in particular, was host to modern feminist movements that promoted sexual liberation, the blurring of gender differences, attacks against the so-called “patriarchy,” and weakening the role of the father in the family. They changed the definition of marriage, promoted the legalization and legitimization of homosexuality, promoted the rights to divorce and to abortion, and used social welfare policies to effectively encourage and subsidize single-parenthood. All of this resulted in the collapse of families and led to a greater incidence of poverty and crime. This has been one of the more startling transformations of society over the last several decades.

In the political sphere, while communist regimes have continued with their rigid dictatorships, party politics in free societies have come to a point of crisis. Communism exploited loopholes in the legal and political systems of democratic nations in an attempt to manipulate major political parties. For electoral victory, politicians resorted to dirty tricks and made promises that they could never fulfill.

The result of the influence of communism is that political parties around the world are often somewhere on the left of the political spectrum, advocating higher taxes, higher social welfare expenditures, big government, and interventionism—all of which they seek to entrench in legislation. The behavior of the government plays an enormous role in molding society, and with a left-leaning government, leftist ideology comes to infiltrate the entire society, backed up with the indoctrination of youth, who in turn come to elect more left-leaning candidates.

The academy, which is supposed to play the role of transmitting the essence of the wisdom and culture of the ages, has also been subverted. In the first half of the 20th century, the communist specter arranged for the systematic destruction of the education system. China, famous for its profound ancient culture, was subjected to the New Culture Movement even before the establishment of the Communist Party. This was part of the effort to disconnect the Chinese people from their traditions. After the communists seized power, they nationalized the education system and filled the textbooks with Party ideology, transforming generations of young Chinese into ferocious “wolf cubs.”

In the West, the specter launched the progressive education movement, using the banner of science and progress in order to gain control of philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, and eventually the entire academy, and thus brainwash teachers and education administrators. High school education began excluding orthodox ideas and traditional morality; academic standards were lowered to make students less literate and numerate, and less able to form their own judgments and use common sense. Atheism, the theory of evolution, materialism, and the philosophy of struggle were all instilled in students.

Following the counterculture of the 1960s, advocates of political correctness have become thought police, forcing teachers to indoctrinate students with all manner of twisted ideas. Students now graduate from school without a strong moral compass, with no foundation in their own culture, lacking common sense and a sense of responsibility, and are left to blindly follow the crowd, thus joining society’s downward trend.

Out in society, there is drug abuse, rising rates of crime, a media sphere full of sex and violence, an art world that treats grotesquerie as beauty, and all manner of evil cults and occult groups. Young people blindly adore film and television stars, waste their time on online games and social media, and end up dispirited and demoralized. The senseless violence of terrorism against innocents violates all moral parameters established by tradition and makes people worry desperately about the security of the world and what the future holds.

Monday, October 29, 2018

(5) Romantic fantasies about communism...

State of Mankind
- How much do you know?

Excerpts from How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World

To this day, there are numerous Westerners who harbor romantic fantasies about communism, yet they’ve never lived in a communist country and borne the suffering there, and thus have no understanding of what communism actually means in practice.

During the Cold War, many intellectuals, artists, journalists, politicians, and young students from the free world went to Russia, China, or Cuba as tourists and travelers. What they saw, or rather were allowed to see, was completely different from the lived reality of the people of those countries. Communist countries have perfected their deception of foreigners: Everything the foreign visitors saw was carefully crafted for their tastes, including the model villages, factories, schools, hospitals, daycare centers, and prisons. The receptionists they encountered were members of the Communist Party or others considered politically reliable.

The tours were rehearsed. The visitors were greeted with flowers, wine, dancing and singing, banquets, and smiling young children and officials. Then they were taken to see people hard at work, able to talk freely and as equals; students studying hard; and lovely weddings.

What they didn’t get to see were the show trials, mass sentencings, mob lynchings, struggle sessions, kidnappings, brainwashing, solitary confinement, forced labor camps, massacres, theft of land and property, famines, shortages of public services, lack of privacy, eavesdropping, surveillance, monitoring by neighbors and informants everywhere, brutal political struggles in the leadership, and extravagant luxuries of the elite.

They especially weren’t able to see the suffering of ordinary people.

The visitors mistook what had been staged for them as the norm in a communist country. They then promoted communism in the West through books, articles, and speeches, and many of them didn’t know they had been taken in. A small number did see cracks in the edifice, but many of them then fell into another trap: They saw themselves as “fellow travelers” and adopted the Chinese attitude of “not airing dirty laundry in front of outsiders.” The slaughter, famine, and suppression of communist countries, they reasoned, were simply part of the cost of transitioning to communism. They were confident that while the path to communism was crooked, the future was bright. They refused to tell the truth, because that would be blackening the name of the “socialist project.” Lacking the courage to tell the truth, they chose a shameful silence.

Everyone is “free and equal,” where there is no oppression or expropriation, where there’s great material abundance, where everyone gives according to their ability and receives according to their need—a Heaven on earth, with every individual able to develop himself or herself freely. A human society of this sort exists only as fantasy, and that fantasy has been used as bait by the devil to deceive man.

In reality, power falls in the hands of a small elite. Real communism is a totalitarian apparatus controlled by a small group who use their monopoly on power to suppress, enslave, and deprive the majority. The time has not yet arrived for this in some socialist countries, and so they appear to be moderate. When the conditions are ripe, all of that will change, and the naïve supporters of a socialist utopia will find it too late for regrets.

(4) Communism in its nonviolent forms...

State of Mankind
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Excerpts from How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World

Just as the devil goes by many names, communism manifests in many ways. The demon uses contradictory positions to deceive: a totalitarian regime or a democracy; a planned economy or a market economy; control of the press or no restraints whatsoever on speech; opposition to homosexuality in some countries or legalization of homosexuality in other countries; wanton environmental destruction or clamor for environmental protection; and so on. It can advocate violent revolution or embrace peaceful transition. It may manifest as a political and economic system, or as an ideological trend in art and culture; it may take the form of pure idealism or cold-blooded scheming. Communist totalitarian regimes are just one of the demon’s manifestations. Marxism-Leninism and Maoism form just one aspect of the devil’s fallacies.

Since utopian socialism developed in the 18th century, the world has seen the emergence of numerous ideological currents: scientific socialism, Fabian socialism, syndicalism, Christian socialism, democratic socialism, humanitarianism, eco-socialism, welfare capitalism, Marxism-Leninism, and Maoism. These ideologies are of two types: violent communism or nonviolent communism. The infiltration and gradual erosion of the status quo are the main tactics adopted by communism’s nonviolent strains.

One of the devil’s deceits is to make arrangements in the two opposing camps of the East and the West. As it carried out a vast invasion of the East, it also took on a new guise and stole into the West. The Fabian Society of Britain, the Social Democratic Party of Germany, the Second International of France, the Socialist Party in the United States, and many other socialist parties and organizations spread the seeds of destruction to Western Europe and North America. During the Cold War, the slaughter, concentration camps, and famines and purges in the Soviet Union and China made some Westerners count themselves lucky that they still lived in luxury and freedom. Some socialists publicly condemned the violence of the Soviet Union on humanitarian grounds, which led many to let down their guard around them.

The demon of communism inhabits a variety of complex guises in the West and operates under many banners, making it almost impossible to guard against. The following schools or movements were either derived from communism or used by communism to reach its ends: liberalism, progressivism, the Frankfurt School, Neo-Marxism, critical theory, the counterculture of the 1960s, the anti-war movement, sexual liberation, legalization of homosexuality, feminism, environmentalism, social justice, political correctness, Keynesian economics, avant-garde art schools, and multiculturalism.


In the West, many look at socialism and communism separately, which provides fertile ground for socialism to flourish. In fact, according to Marxist-Leninist theory, socialism is simply communism’s preliminary stage.

In 1875, in “Critique of the Gotha Programme,” Marx put forward the idea that there is an initial phase of communism, followed by an advanced phase. Compelled by changes in the international situation at the time, Friedrich Engels in his later years also proposed “democratic socialism,” in which votes were used to obtain political power. Democratic socialism was adopted by social democratic party leaders and theorists of the Second International and led to the left-wing parties in many capitalist countries around the world today. Lenin set down clear definitions of socialism and communism: He considered socialism to be the preliminary phase of communism, and communism to be developed on the basis of socialism.

Thus, it is clear that socialism has always been part of Marxism and the international communist movement. The public ownership and planned economy of socialism is part of the initial preparation for communism. Presently, while branches of socialism or left-wing doctrines popular in the West seem superficially unrelated to communism, they’re simply communism’s nonviolent forms. Instead of violent revolution, votes are used to gain power in the West. Instead of outright public ownership, high taxation in Western countries serves the same role. Instead of a state-planned economy, Western social welfare systems are used to eat away at capitalism. Left-wing parties in Western countries consider social security and welfare systems to be an important aspect of realizing socialism.

When condemning the crimes of communism, the violence and slaughter should not be the only focus—one should be able to see the dangers that socialism itself brings. Communism in its nonviolent forms has deceived and bewildered people’s minds, under the guise of various branches of socialism. To understand communism, one has no choice but to recognize its preliminary phase, because communism develops from that preliminary phase onward, instead of maturing overnight. Just as a living being does, it grows up gradually.

Some socialist or welfare states in the West today use the idea of the “commonwealth” to sacrifice individual freedoms. Citizens in these countries retain certain political freedoms because the brand of socialism there has yet to be well-developed. But socialism is not a static concept: Socialist countries set equality of outcome as the primary goal, and thus, they are bound to deprive people of their freedom. Inevitably, socialism undergoes a transition to communism, with people continually being stripped of their individual freedoms.

If a free country turned into a totalitarian regime overnight, the drastic contrast between propaganda and reality would leave most people shocked. Many would rebel, or at least passively resist. This would lead to high costs for totalitarian rule, and the regime would likely need to commit mass slaughter to eliminate the resistance. This is one of the main reasons that both the Soviet Union and the People’s Republic of China have engaged in the mass killing of their own citizens during peacetime.

Unlike totalitarian regimes, socialism in democratic states slowly eats away at people’s freedoms through legislation—like the metaphor of the boiling frog. The process of establishing a socialist system takes decades or generations, leaving people gradually numb, oblivious, and accustomed to socialism, all of which enhance the deceit. The essence and objective of this type of gradual socialism are no different in substance from the violent form.

Socialism uses the idea of guaranteeing “equal rights” through legislation, while in actuality, it drags down moral values and deprives people of the freedom to incline toward goodness. In normal circumstances, people of all kinds naturally vary in their religious beliefs, moral standards, cultural literacy, educational backgrounds, intelligence, fortitude, diligence, sense of responsibility, aggressiveness, innovation, entrepreneurship, and more. Of course, it’s impossible to enforce equality by suddenly elevating those at lower levels, so instead, socialism artificially restrains those at higher levels.

Especially in terms of moral values, the socialism of the West uses pretexts like “anti-discrimination,” “value-neutrality,” or “political correctness” to attack basic moral discernment. This is equivalent to an attempt to eliminate morality as such. This has come along with the legalization and normalization of all manner of anti-theist and profane speech, sexual perversions, demonic art, pornography, gambling, and drug use. The result is a kind of reverse discrimination against those who believe in God and aspire to moral elevation, with the goal of marginalizing and eventually getting rid of them.

(3) The devil chose Marx and others as its agents...

State of Mankind
How much do you know?

Excerpts from How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World

God established a rich culture for human society based on universal values, paving the way for humans to return to Heaven. The communism of the devil and the traditional culture of God are irreconcilable.

At the core of the evil specter is atheism and materialism: a confluence of elements from German philosophy, French social revolution, and British political economy assembled as a secular religion meant to replace the position previously occupied by God and orthodox beliefs. Communism turns the world into its church, bringing all aspects of social life under its purview. The devil occupies people’s thoughts, causing them to revolt against God and discard tradition. This is how the devil leads man to his own destruction.

The devil chose Marx and others as its agents to oppose and destroy the principles laid down by God for human society. It promotes class struggle and the abolition of established social structures. In the East, it launched a violent revolution and established a totalitarian state that united politics and secular religion. In the West, it undertakes progressive, nonviolent communism through high levels of taxation and wealth redistribution. On a worldwide scale, it seeks to spread communist ideology to political systems everywhere, with the goal of undermining nation-states and establishing a global ruling body. This is the “paradise on earth” promised in communism, a supposed collective society without class, nations, or government, based on the principles of “from each according to his ability and to each according to his need.”

Communism uses its program of creating a paradise on earth to promote an atheistic conception of “social progress”; it uses materialism to undermine the spiritual pursuits of mankind, including belief in the divine and religion, in order to allow communist ideology to spread to every sphere, including politics, economy, education, philosophy, history, literature, art, social science, natural science, and even religion. Like cancer, communism eliminates other beliefs as it metastasizes, including the belief in God. In turn, it destroys national sovereignty and identity, and humanity’s moral and cultural traditions, thus leading man to destruction.


God is the source of moral order, and God’s morality is eternal and unchanging. Moral standards should never be determined by man, nor can they be changed by man’s power. Communism tries to sentence morality to death, and to have the communist New Man establish a new morality. Yet while it denies real morality, communism uses negative methods to expel from human tradition all its positive factors, with the goal of having negative factors occupy the world.

Traditional laws come from morality and are intended to uphold morality. Communism tries to separate morality from the law, then destroys morality by concocting bad laws and maliciously interpreting traditional ones.

God calls on man to be kind; communism agitates class struggle and advocates violence and killing.

God established the family as the basic social unit; communism believes that the family is a manifestation of the private, capitalist system and threatens to eliminate it.

God gives man the freedom to obtain wealth and the right to life; communism seeks to eliminate private property, expropriate assets, raise taxes, monopolize credit and capital, and completely control economic life.

God established the form that morality, government, law, society, and culture should take; communism seeks the “violent overthrow of the whole existing social structure.”

God transmitted to man the unique form of traditional art as a means of passing on his image; traditional art recalls to mankind the beauty of heaven, reinforces faith in God, elevates morality, and nurtures virtue. Communism, on the other hand, would have man worship warped modern creations, artistic productions that stifle our divine nature, give full rein to the demonic impulse toward chaos and disorder, and manipulate the art world by spreading base, ugly, malformed, evil, and decadent ideas.

God wants man to be humble and full of reverence and wonder at divine creation. Communism connives at the demonic and arrogance in man, encouraging him to revolt against God. By amplifying the evil inherent and inescapable in human nature, it exploits the idea of “freedom” to encourage conduct unrestrained by morality and unfettered by a sense of duty or burden. The slogan of “equality” is used to stir up envy and vanity, as man is tempted by fame and material interests.


The idea of the devil being referred to in this text is that of a supernatural power. Understanding the type of thing that is the specter of communism is one of the keys to understanding the chaos the devil has sown in the world.

Simply put, the specter of communism is composed of hate; it draws its energy from the hatred that wells up in the human heart.

The communist specter is tied to Satan; sometimes the two are indistinguishable, thus we will not make an effort to consider them separately.

The devil’s arrangements are present in both the East and the West, in every profession and in every walk of life. Sometimes its power is divided, sometimes integrated; sometimes it uses this tactic, sometimes that. It follows no simple pattern.

The devil is the initiator of an unrestricted war on mankind that has turned religion, the family, politics, the economy, finance, military affairs, education, the academy, the arts, the media, entertainment, popular culture, social affairs, and international relations all into battlefields.

The dark energy of the devil can spread from one sphere, group, or movement to another. After the anti-Vietnam War movement faded in the West in the 1970s, for instance, the devil manipulated rebellious adolescents to channel their energies into agitating for feminism, environmentalism, and the legalization of homosexuality. The devil’s other efforts were used to subvert Western civilization from within.

The devil can turn people with no good intent into its agents in the human world, using hypocrisy to deceive compassionate and innocent people, who then become its apologists.

The devil’s agents—most of whom do not even realize their role—are everywhere in society, from the elite, to the middle class, to the lower classes. Thus, its activities manifest sometimes as bottom-up revolutions, sometimes as top-down conspiracies, sometimes as reforms from the center.

The devil can change forms and exist in multiple places at once. It uses lowly beings and specters in other dimensions to do its work; pornography and drug addiction are tools used by the devil. These beings feed on man’s negative energies, including hate, fear, despair, arrogance, rebelliousness, jealousy, promiscuity, rage, frenzy, idleness, and more.

The devil is secretive and full of guile. It uses man’s avarice, wickedness, and darkness to achieve its ends, and as long as a person’s thought aligns with these qualities, the devil can control that person. Many times, people think they are acting according to their own thoughts, but they’ve failed to realize they’re being manipulated.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

(2) The sad truth...

State of Mankind
-- How much do you know?

Excerpts from How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World

The collapse of the communist regimes in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe marked the end of a half-century-long Cold War between the capitalist and communist camps in the East and West. Many were thus optimistic, holding the belief that communism had become a relic of the past.

The sad truth, however, is that a transmogrified communist ideology has instead taken hold and entrenched itself around the world. There are the outright communist regimes like China, North Korea, Cuba, and Vietnam; there are the former Soviet Union and Eastern European countries, where communist ideology and customs still exert a significant influence; there are the African and South American countries, which attempt socialism under the banner of democracy and republicanism—and then there are the nations of Europe and North America, whose body politics have become host to communist influences, without people even realizing it.

Communism breeds war, famine, slaughter, and tyranny. These in themselves are terrifying enough, but the damage dealt by communism goes far beyond this. It has become increasingly clear to many that, unlike any other system in history, what communism declares war on is humanity itself—including human values and human dignity. Over the course of a century, communism established massive dictatorships in the Soviet Union and China; it caused more than 100 million unnatural deaths; it enslaved billions; and it brought the world to the brink of nuclear war and thus destruction. Yet more important is its deliberate and widespread destruction of the family, its fomenting of social disorder, and its attack on morality, all of which are ruinous to the foundations of civilization.


“The Communist Manifesto” begins: “A specter is haunting Europe—the specter of communism.” The use of the term “specter” was not a whim of Karl Marx. The preface of this book argues that communism should not be understood as being an ideological movement, a political doctrine, or a failed attempt at a new way of ordering human affairs. Instead, it should be understood as being a devil—an evil specter forged by hate, degeneracy, and other elemental forces in the universe.

The communist specter took the form of a serpent, then that of a red dragon, and it keeps company with Satan, who hates God, and exploits low-level beings and demons to wreak havoc on man. The goal of the specter is to ruin humanity, and while the divine offers salvation to humanity, communism tells man not to believe, attacks human morality so as to renounce tradition, and causes man not to heed God’s instruction and, ultimately, to be destroyed.

Following the Cold War, the poison of communism not only continued to harm formerly communist countries, but also spread throughout the world. The ideological infiltration of communism has led the specter to influence human society on a global scale, and many people even think that the dark wishes of communism are their own. With this, people lose their ability to judge right from wrong, to differentiate good from evil. This, a devil’s conspiracy, was almost carried out.

Thus, even as the specter congratulated itself, delighted with its sinister victory, most people thought that it had been destroyed. There’s nothing more dangerous than mankind being on the verge of destruction, yet ignorantly celebrating its triumph.


Man was created by God, and the compassion of gods has long protected man. This the devil knew, and so it set about severing this connection, to corrupt man so that gods would no longer take care of him. The devil’s approach has been to subvert the culture given to mankind by gods, corrupt human morality, and thus warp man and make him unworthy of salvation.

Both good and evil, God and the devil, reside in the heart of every person; a life can sink into moral decadence, or can elevate through moral cultivation. Those who believe in God know that by striving for moral conduct and thought, one’s righteous thoughts can be strengthened by gods, and gods will allow miracles to happen. Gods will also help one’s morality rise in level, to help one become a more noble person, in the end allowing one to return to Heaven. A person of low morality, however, is filled with selfishness: desire, greed, ignorance, hubris. While gods will never recognize such thoughts and actions, the devil will magnify them, intensifying selfishness and wickedness, and manipulating the person into wrongdoing, thus creating karma and causing further moral decay, until, in the end, only Hell awaits. If the moral standards of human society as a whole decline, the devil will hasten these trends with the goal of causing more wrongdoing, more karma, and humanity’s eventual destruction.


His followers argue that political power is the central question of Marxian political science; this is both true and not true. Being clear about the ultimate aims of communism means we can recognize that political power is both important and unimportant to the communist project. It is important in that access to political power allows a rapid means of the widespread corruption of humanity. With the levers of power, communists can promote their ideology with violence and eradicate a traditional culture in mere decades or years. Yet it is also unimportant in that even without the apparatus of the state, the devil has other means of exploiting the weaknesses and shortcomings of man; to deceive, co-opt, coerce, confuse, and so overturn traditional thought, subvert order, and create upheaval; and to divide and conquer, with the objective of gaining global control.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

(1) It took the form of a serpent, then that of a red dragon

State of Mankind
How much do you know?

Excerpt from How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World


Though the communist regimes of Eastern Europe have disintegrated, the evil specter of communism hasn’t disappeared. On the contrary, this evil specter is already ruling our world, and humanity must not harbor a mistaken sense of optimism.

Communism is neither a trend of thought, nor a doctrine, nor a failed attempt at a new way of ordering human affairs. Instead, it should be understood as a devil—an evil specter forged by hate, degeneracy, and other elemental forces in the universe. It took the form of a serpent, then that of a red dragon, and it keeps company with Satan, who hates God. It exploits low-level beings and demons to wreak havoc on man. The goal of the specter is to ruin humanity, and while the divine offers salvation to humankind, communism tells man not to believe, attacks human morality so as to renounce tradition, and causes man not to heed God’s instruction and, ultimately, to be destroyed.

The communist evil specter, with its countless mutations, is full of guile. Sometimes it uses slaughter and violence to menace those who refuse to follow it; other times, it makes recourse to the language of “science” and “progress,” offering a wonderful blueprint of the future meant to deceive followers. Sometimes it presents itself as a profound field of learning and makes people believe that it’s the future direction of mankind; other times, it uses the slogans of “democracy,” “equality,” and “social justice” to infiltrate the fields of education, media, art, and law, bringing people under its banner without them even knowing it. Yet, at other times, it calls itself “socialism,” “progressivism,” “liberalism,” “Neo-Marxism,” and other leftist terms. Sometimes it holds up seemingly righteous banners such as pacifism, environmentalism, globalism, and political correctness; other times, it supports vanguard art, sexual liberation, drug legalization, homosexuality, and other indulgences in human desires, giving the mistaken impression that it’s part of a popular trend.

Extremism and violence aren’t its only expressions—sometimes it pretends to care for the welfare of society. Yet its root purpose is to destroy, by whatever means, everything traditional, whether it be faith, religion, morality, culture, the institution of the family, art, pedagogy, law—whatever it takes to have man fall into a moral abyss and be damned.

Communism and its various mutations are now found around the world. While China and Cuba publicly proclaim themselves to be led by communist regimes, even America—the leader of the free world—has fallen prey to attacks by the evil specter, not to mention Europe, which embraces socialism, and Africa and Latin America, which are enveloped in communist influence. This is the startling reality humankind now faces: that the evil specter’s conspiracy to destroy humankind has almost succeeded.

Humans instinctively desire to benefit themselves and flee from danger. Instinct urges them to escape from suffering, to make a name for themselves, to establish prosperous enterprises, or merely to enjoy life. It is human to have these thoughts. However, if humans distance themselves from gods, these thoughts can be latched onto and intensified by the evil specter, resulting in a person being controlled by it. The hubris of the specter’s revolt against God also makes those it controls experience a sense of hubris; they then try to play God themselves through the exercise of power, capital, and knowledge, trying to rule the fates of millions and influence the course of history through social movements.

Humans are created by gods and have both good and evil in their nature. If people abandon evil and promote compassion, they can return to God. What awaits on the opposite side is the devil. The choice resides solely with the individual.

We have been sorry to find that many fundamentally kind-hearted people have unknowingly become agents or targets of manipulation of the communist specter—what Vladimir Lenin called “useful idiots.” Though society as a whole has ended up on the verge of destruction because of inducements and temptation from the specter, there are, in fact, very, very few people who have willingly pledged their souls to the devil and chosen to deliberately corrupt mankind. For most, the kindness innate to human nature remains, giving them an opportunity to rid themselves of the specter’s influence.

This is the purpose of this book: to set out this complex and tangled issue in plain language, as truthfully as possible. Then people will be able to see the tricks of the communist specter. More importantly, this book seeks to present the moral, cultural, and artistic traditions that gods laid down for mankind. Individuals may then choose between God and the evil specter for themselves.

When a person’s kind thoughts emerge, gods will help free him from the devil’s control. But the process of seeing the devil for what it is requires that one think deeply and discern clearly. This book seeks to reexamine the tides of history over the last several centuries and, from a high level and with a broad perspective, assess the multifarious masks and forms the devil has adopted in order to occupy and manipulate our world. The goal of this exercise is not to simply recount history, but to understand how we can stop the devil from ever ruling the world again. This relies on the individual’s own enlightenment, proactive abandonment of evil, and return to the traditions and way of life that gods laid down for man.

God will triumph over the devil. Which side we stand on will determine our eternal destiny.