Monday, October 29, 2018

(3) The devil chose Marx and others as its agents...

State of Mankind
How much do you know?

Excerpts from How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World

God established a rich culture for human society based on universal values, paving the way for humans to return to Heaven. The communism of the devil and the traditional culture of God are irreconcilable.

At the core of the evil specter is atheism and materialism: a confluence of elements from German philosophy, French social revolution, and British political economy assembled as a secular religion meant to replace the position previously occupied by God and orthodox beliefs. Communism turns the world into its church, bringing all aspects of social life under its purview. The devil occupies people’s thoughts, causing them to revolt against God and discard tradition. This is how the devil leads man to his own destruction.

The devil chose Marx and others as its agents to oppose and destroy the principles laid down by God for human society. It promotes class struggle and the abolition of established social structures. In the East, it launched a violent revolution and established a totalitarian state that united politics and secular religion. In the West, it undertakes progressive, nonviolent communism through high levels of taxation and wealth redistribution. On a worldwide scale, it seeks to spread communist ideology to political systems everywhere, with the goal of undermining nation-states and establishing a global ruling body. This is the “paradise on earth” promised in communism, a supposed collective society without class, nations, or government, based on the principles of “from each according to his ability and to each according to his need.”

Communism uses its program of creating a paradise on earth to promote an atheistic conception of “social progress”; it uses materialism to undermine the spiritual pursuits of mankind, including belief in the divine and religion, in order to allow communist ideology to spread to every sphere, including politics, economy, education, philosophy, history, literature, art, social science, natural science, and even religion. Like cancer, communism eliminates other beliefs as it metastasizes, including the belief in God. In turn, it destroys national sovereignty and identity, and humanity’s moral and cultural traditions, thus leading man to destruction.


God is the source of moral order, and God’s morality is eternal and unchanging. Moral standards should never be determined by man, nor can they be changed by man’s power. Communism tries to sentence morality to death, and to have the communist New Man establish a new morality. Yet while it denies real morality, communism uses negative methods to expel from human tradition all its positive factors, with the goal of having negative factors occupy the world.

Traditional laws come from morality and are intended to uphold morality. Communism tries to separate morality from the law, then destroys morality by concocting bad laws and maliciously interpreting traditional ones.

God calls on man to be kind; communism agitates class struggle and advocates violence and killing.

God established the family as the basic social unit; communism believes that the family is a manifestation of the private, capitalist system and threatens to eliminate it.

God gives man the freedom to obtain wealth and the right to life; communism seeks to eliminate private property, expropriate assets, raise taxes, monopolize credit and capital, and completely control economic life.

God established the form that morality, government, law, society, and culture should take; communism seeks the “violent overthrow of the whole existing social structure.”

God transmitted to man the unique form of traditional art as a means of passing on his image; traditional art recalls to mankind the beauty of heaven, reinforces faith in God, elevates morality, and nurtures virtue. Communism, on the other hand, would have man worship warped modern creations, artistic productions that stifle our divine nature, give full rein to the demonic impulse toward chaos and disorder, and manipulate the art world by spreading base, ugly, malformed, evil, and decadent ideas.

God wants man to be humble and full of reverence and wonder at divine creation. Communism connives at the demonic and arrogance in man, encouraging him to revolt against God. By amplifying the evil inherent and inescapable in human nature, it exploits the idea of “freedom” to encourage conduct unrestrained by morality and unfettered by a sense of duty or burden. The slogan of “equality” is used to stir up envy and vanity, as man is tempted by fame and material interests.


The idea of the devil being referred to in this text is that of a supernatural power. Understanding the type of thing that is the specter of communism is one of the keys to understanding the chaos the devil has sown in the world.

Simply put, the specter of communism is composed of hate; it draws its energy from the hatred that wells up in the human heart.

The communist specter is tied to Satan; sometimes the two are indistinguishable, thus we will not make an effort to consider them separately.

The devil’s arrangements are present in both the East and the West, in every profession and in every walk of life. Sometimes its power is divided, sometimes integrated; sometimes it uses this tactic, sometimes that. It follows no simple pattern.

The devil is the initiator of an unrestricted war on mankind that has turned religion, the family, politics, the economy, finance, military affairs, education, the academy, the arts, the media, entertainment, popular culture, social affairs, and international relations all into battlefields.

The dark energy of the devil can spread from one sphere, group, or movement to another. After the anti-Vietnam War movement faded in the West in the 1970s, for instance, the devil manipulated rebellious adolescents to channel their energies into agitating for feminism, environmentalism, and the legalization of homosexuality. The devil’s other efforts were used to subvert Western civilization from within.

The devil can turn people with no good intent into its agents in the human world, using hypocrisy to deceive compassionate and innocent people, who then become its apologists.

The devil’s agents—most of whom do not even realize their role—are everywhere in society, from the elite, to the middle class, to the lower classes. Thus, its activities manifest sometimes as bottom-up revolutions, sometimes as top-down conspiracies, sometimes as reforms from the center.

The devil can change forms and exist in multiple places at once. It uses lowly beings and specters in other dimensions to do its work; pornography and drug addiction are tools used by the devil. These beings feed on man’s negative energies, including hate, fear, despair, arrogance, rebelliousness, jealousy, promiscuity, rage, frenzy, idleness, and more.

The devil is secretive and full of guile. It uses man’s avarice, wickedness, and darkness to achieve its ends, and as long as a person’s thought aligns with these qualities, the devil can control that person. Many times, people think they are acting according to their own thoughts, but they’ve failed to realize they’re being manipulated.

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