Thursday, February 7, 2019

(90)The power of art is enormous

The power of art is enormous. Good art can rectify the human heart, elevate morality, harmonize the yin and yang, and even enable humans to be connected to heaven, earth, and divine beings.

In the past century, the specter of communism took advantage of man’s demon nature and malice, prompting the creation of an enormous variety of “art.” People were led to revolt against and blaspheme God, oppose tradition, and overturn morality. This had the ultimate effect of turning large parts of society demonic, which would be deeply shocking to anyone living in a previous era.

Compared to the beauty of traditional arts, modern arts are extremely ugly. Human aesthetic standards have been destroyed. Avant-garde art has become mainstream and commands vast sums of money. Traditional, noble arts have become a laughing stock. Arts have been manipulated into a vehicle for people to indulge in their desires and vent their demon nature. The boundary between beauty and ugliness, grace and vulgarity, kindness and evil, has been blurred or even erased.
Grotesqueness, chaos, and darkness have taken the place of universal values. Human society is filled with demonic messages, and human beings are being steered on a path of decadence and destruction.

Only by elevating morality and returning to faith and tradition will humankind be able to see another renaissance in the arts. Only then will we all see the beauty, nobility, and splendidness of what art can be, and what it was meant to be.

From Chapter Eleven: Desecrating the Arts

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