Economic globalization refers to the integration of chains of global
capital, production, and trade that began in the 1940s and 1950s,
matured in the 1970s and 1980s, and was established as a global norm in
the 1990s. International agencies and corporations were the driving
forces, as they demanded the loosening of regulation and controls to
allow the free flow of capital. On the surface, economic globalization
was promoted by Western countries to spread capitalism around the world.
Unfortunately, however, globalization has become a vehicle for
communism to spread. In particular, globalization has resulted in
Western countries providing financial support for the Chinese regime,
resulting in a mutual dependency between the capitalist market economy
and the CCP’s socialist totalitarian economy. In exchange for economic
benefits, the West sacrifices its conscience and universal values, while
the communist regime expands its control by way of economic coercion,
as though communism were set to gain global dominance.
Globalization has transformed the global economy into a single large
economic entity. In this process, large international organizations,
treaties, and regulations have been formed. On the surface, this appears
to be about the expansion of capitalism and the free market. But in
fact, a unified economic control system has been formed, one that is
able to issue orders to determine the fate of enterprises in many
countries. This equates to forming a centralized totalitarian economic
system, which is highly in line with Stalin’s goal of uniting all
countries to form one economic system. After this international
financial order was established, the phenomenon of long-term economic
aid from developed countries to developing countries was also formed.
This is exactly Stalin’s third goal.
In terms of financial aid, international financial organizations
usually implement macro intervention to the aid-receiving country’s
economy. The method used is dictatorial. It is not only forceful, but it
also ignores the social, cultural, and historical conditions of the
recipient country. The result is less freedom and more centralized
control. American scholar James Bovard wrote that the World Bank “has
greatly promoted the nationalization of Third World economies and has
increased political and bureaucratic control over the lives of the
poorest of the poor.”
On the other hand, economic globalization has created a homogeneous
global economy, leading to greater similarities in consumer trends and
unified mechanisms of production and consumption. Small companies,
especially traditional arts and crafts stores, have less space to
survive. Many small companies and those associated with local ethnic
groups have simply been wiped out by the wave of globalization. More and
more people have lost the environment and feasibility to freely engage
in commerce within their own borders.
Developing countries become part of a global production chain,
weakening the economic sovereignty of individual nations and in some
cases, leading to state failure. Some countries become burdened with
debt and the need to meet repayments, fundamentally rupturing the
foundation of free capitalist economics.
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